10 Reasons Why Exercise is Good for Your Health

It is well known that getting consistent exercise is good for your health. From making you more energized to decreasing stress, here are 10 reasons why exercise is good for your health.

  1. Increase Lean Body Mass

Exercising consistently can not only help you lose weight but gain lean muscle mass as well. While you may think that running on the treadmill will only help you lose bodyfat, it actually can actually do both! If you do cardiovascular exercise 2-5 times a week, you will consistently be building lean muscle mass.

2. Improve Flexibility

Most people have heard someone in their life tell them to stretch. But let’s be honest do we really do it. Well, we should! Stretching improves your muscles flexibility helping to decrease injury and improve your overall range of motion. Stretching may seem like an accessory to your workout, but spending even 5 minutes can help you in the long run.

3. Build Your Cardiovascular Endurance

Building your cardiovascular endurance is one of the best reasons to exercise. In order to make your body run efficiently, it needs to have the endurance to do so. By making sure your cardio is good you can keep your body in top shape as well as enjoying benefits like weight loss and better mental health.

4. Staying Focused

One of the many things that exercising consistently can do is improve your focus overall. By exercising, you improve blood flow increasing your ability to concentrate. Everyone wants to be able to focus better and exercising is one of the best ways to do that!

5. Decrease Risk of Getting Sick

Being sick is the worst. Luckily, exercising can decrease your chances of getting sick. Exercise increases the white blood cells in your body which are essential for fighting off illness. Even if we do get sick, exercising will keep circulation going and help you get better faster. But be careful not to overdo it and tire out your body too much.

6. Speed Up Recovery from an Injury

Just like how exercise helps prevent and keep you from getting and illness, exercise can also speed up recovery from an injury in the same way. Increasing blood circulation and white blood cells are a great way to heal an injury faster and all you have to do is exercise.

7. Be Less Stressed

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard someone tell me to work out when I am stressed, and that’s because it really can help. Research has shown that working out can help you deal with stress better because it makes you more alert and able to process the stress better as well as releasing hormones which make you feel better. In my personal opinion, working out also helps me think about something else for a little while which usually allows me to be better prepared to deal with stress after I am done.

8. Look Better Than Ever

Obviously, one of the main reasons people work out is to look better. It is true, working out can help you achieve what you want your body to look like, whether it is weight loss or muscle gain. Eating well also play a big part so make sure to get exercise but also eat well to get the best results the fastest.

9. Have More Energy

Getting consistent exercise will make you more energized throughout the day. Exercise increases your metabolic rate increasing energy while you exercise and after. I like to work out in the morning, so I am energized throughout the day. It doesn’t matter what time you exercise; your body will still feel energetic even after a nighttime work out.

10. Have Better Mental Health

I have always found that consistently working out help me manage my mental health. From feeling less stressed, to more energetic, I can always count on working out to help me feel my best. Sometimes all I need is a light jog other days I enjoy a full workout, but if you are struggling with mental health, I encourage you to try working out consistently for a few days and see how you feel.

Those are 10 of the best reasons to consistently exercise. Remember, even working out for a short time can make improvements in your health. You do not have to do a full hour abdominal circuit to see results. Working out will improve your health so make sure to add it into your schedule!






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