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Three Strategies for College Men to Manage Mental Health

Mental health is now one of the most talked about issues in today’s media and society. But what is being done about it? Specifically for male college students who are struggling with mental health battles.

Many people will tell you to “man up” or that “college is supposed to be fun,” but for many students that is not possible. Those who say college is supposed to be fun do not understand or remember the constant stress and pressure students are on every single day. Between classes, making friends, looking for a job, and being fully independent, it’s no wonder many students are battling mental health issues. Luckily there are strategies that male students specifically can use to lessen the symptoms of mental health.

Students in a  grey lecture hall watching a lecture.

The first thing than many students should realize is that they should take their mental health seriously and reach out and talk about what they are going through. Nobody will consider you weak for what you are going through. And I can tell you from experience that when you talk about mental health and it is a priority, it gets much easier to talk about. All that awkwardness and fear evaporates, and you realize everyone is just there to support you. Many male students, like myself, were taught to not let anything show, to solve it by ourselves, or to bottle the feeling up. But that isn’t healthy and is not going to help later on in life. Talking about your mental health is super important. Speak to friends, family, or anyone you feel safe talking to. Remember that speaking to a professional is always an option too.

Another thing that will help you with your mental health is to really understand your symptoms to determine when what you are feeling is normal, and when it is a symptom of mental health. Stress and anxiety about an upcoming test or interview is normal, but when it persists all the time it isn’t. Take some time a think about how you have been feeling and if you are having symptoms of a mental health concern. Remember in order for this to work, you have to be honest with yourself.

Looking at your current lifestyle can be a big help for many male college students with mental health issues. I know that I am not good at prioritizing what needs to be done right away versus what doesn’t. For me, this leads to anxiety. Making sure you have a good schedule of what needs to be done and time allotted for them can help a lot. Also, make sure to carve out some time for yourself. If you like to work out or play a sport or play videogames, make some time for yourself and do the things that make you happy.

Hopefully some of these strategies will help you with mental health. Remember, college is a hard and stressful time in your life. It is ok to be feeling overwhelmed or anxious or depressed. Those around you are there to help you, all you have to do is ask. If you want even more strategies or general knowledge go check out the Healthline blog!






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